A Bigger Picture

After the Rain Copyright 2014 Janet Hovde

After the Rain
Copyright 2014 Janet Hovde

Thank you to all who commented on last week’s post. I would have liked to reply to all of your rich and generous comments. But I am letting go of some of my tasks, even those I like, as I rebuild and manage my energy. One woman suggested I might want to be more discerning next time I choose a practitioner. My discernment process actually is deliberate and thorough–that’s why I persisted in finding the benefit of that perplexing session.

This week, I’m so happy to report, I met a practitioner who is a good match for me. She was present with me and recognized my wholeness. Because she heard me, she was able to suggest tools that addressed my particular missing puzzle pieces. I am so grateful! One tool is the grief perspective. While my blessings are bigger, the losses in my breast-cancer-treatment-genetic-mutation journey are many and complex. Like how one loss brings up all the older losses. Writing down my losses turned into a long list, some universal to this diagnosis, and some specific to my unique history. I feel good about my choices to initially focus on my wellness and the positive aspects of this breast cancer journey. It got me through a rough year. Now that I feel better physically, the emotional processing phase has arrived. (I am told this is common.) It’s a little like finding myself in the second part of a multi-phase athletic event (the keeping my head above water part), not even realizing I’d signed up for a one-part “race.” I digress. Anyway, shining the light on my losses has led to a broader picture, deeper compassion for myself and for all of us–and I feel lighter!

How about you–do you remember to look at your losses when you are processing something big?


  1. This is great perspective, Janet. I don’t always do that and it’s an important part of the journey. I also applaud you for recognizing those things that need adjusting to be mindful of your energy. I’m in a similar space and that’s why I recently asked for help moderating the groups I host on Facebook and have also been responding less to comments on my blog. I’ve been really reflecting on the purpose of my blog and how comments play a role in all of that. It’s nice to know we are on this journey of life together 🙂

  2. I’m celebrating that you’ve found a right-fit practitioner Janet. And what a profound awareness about the grief perspective. Sending you love as you navigate this piece. And yay to you for figuring out ways to manage your energy, and yay to feeling lighter!

  3. It’s so good to hear you are being supported and travelling safely and deeply on your healing journey.

  4. I’m so happy to hear Janet that you have found a good practitioner, a much better match for you and your needs. In addressing all those losses, may you regain everything your soul has ever desired for you and more. xo

  5. Janet you are blessed. I am so happy that you have found a practitioner that hears you and helps heal you. May your journey through the emotional processing phase keep you shining and feeling lighter!

  6. Yay for good-fitting practitioners. I agree wholeheartedly that it’s not only okay, but necessary to acknowledge our losses. And, often, to mourn them. Even if just for a moment. Here’s to Surrender, Release and Miracles – the three Angel cards I drew this afternoon. 🙂

  7. Janet it sounds like you have found a wonderful practitioner to support you through this next phase of your journey. You offer such wonderful insights into a process I fortunately have had no experience with and I wish you continued support and healing.

  8. What interesting insights into the grieving process. I can only imagine that it must be tough to go through the emotional stuff after you’ve already gone through the rest of it. My heart goes out to you in your healing process, Janet.

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