A diagnosis = SO many decisions

There is SO much to think about with a new diagnosis, in my case, of breast cancer.  Here I continue to share my process, started here a few weeks ago, of capturing moments of my journey in haiku. What works best for ME? That’s a new question. New practice begins.   To make decisions “Honor yourself,” […]

The Breast Cancer Diagnosis Club

Our family has a stunning prevalence of breast cancer on my mother’s side. Two of my maternal cousins, one about 5 years post-diagnosis, and one about 6 months post-diagnosis, were so helpful to me in my early days after diagnosis. One of them said, “Each step in and of itself is a huge step. The […]

Healer Becomes Heal-ee

Love Copyright 2013, Janet Hovde On May 14, 2013, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. This was followed by surgery, chemotherapy, reconstruction, occupational and physical therapy, etc. It has been a ridiculously hard process.  And I found out that I am deeply loved by so many people—who knew!  I have another surgery next week, which […]

Breaking an old “rule”

When my daughters were young children heading out the door with friends, or I was leaving them at daycare, I often told them in a pseudo-stern voice, “Now remember . . . don’t have too much fun!” Oh, their friends thought this was hysterical. (I mentioned, didn’t I, that they were quite young?) Well, I […]

A Quick Healing Experience for You

You are invited to read my short article in the beautiful online Essential Wellness magazine, and receive insight and healing while doing so. Come back and leave me a comment about your experience if you like. Or, like some of my readers, send me a private email about your experience. Have a good week!

New website gallery

Success! With the help of another blogger and with the help of my great photographer, I was able to add another gallery to my website. You may have seen my gallery of fiber art—now you can see a gallery of my paintings. When I paint, I first align my energy with a particular quality. And […]

Grounding your Energy, Part 2 of 3

In the last post, I asked you to think about those things that un-ground you. Today, I’d like to explore the things that support your stability. There are ways to care for your energy to maximize your groundedness. Who are the people (or animals) in your life that ground you? What kinds of activities or situations support […]

Grounding your Energy, Part 1 of 3

Are you grounded? And I don’t mean in trouble with your parents. In this moment, do you feel stable and supported? Able to stand on your own two feet? Are you able to focus? Do you know how to improve your own groundedness?  Let’s do a mini-inventory: Are there people who un-ground you? Are there […]

Making Art

Art is play for me—play with images, textures, colors, energy, healing, and intuition. It is hard for me to speak separately about my art process and my work as a healer because they are inseparable to me. This year I celebrate 15 years in my intuitive energy healing practice. My intention is that my art […]

Potent, Nurturing and Clear

I am sitting down to choose 3 words that I’d like to describe this coming week. Next Sunday, I’d like to look back on this week and say: Wow, my experiences this past week were certainly . . . potent . . . nurturing . . .  and clear. Now I tuned into my core […]