Grief and Energy Self Care – Replenishment of Chakras and Aura – part 3 of 3

In the last two posts, I shared ideas about replenishing your heart chakra and about grounding your energy. Today, I’m going to talk about a third common way that grief may impact your energy system, and how to care for yourself in this area.

The third common effect is this: depletion of all your chakras and depletion of your aura (energy field). The way you would experience these effects is with significant physical and emotional fatigue, and by feeling assaulted by sounds, sights, and activity. A healthy aura may extend 3 to 5 feet from your skin. In a grief process, it may extend 1 to 2 feet from your skin (or even less). A smaller aura gives you less of a buffer from loud music, from bustling activity, and from interpersonal “drags” on your energy (like indirect communication, or others expecting you to be overly responsible while they are under-responsible).

All of the energetic effects of grief I have discussed, in this and previous posts, depend on the pre-loss state of your energy system and on the nature of your loss. For example, an athletic 20-year-old losing a best friend in a sudden car accident will have a different set of energy characteristics than a 60-year-old losing her spouse to Alzheimer’s after years of round-the-clock caregiving.

You can re-energize your chakras and expand your aura. How?

  1. Remember your chakras are fed by your connection to the Earth, so any of the grounding suggestions from the last post will serve you here.
  2. Feed your senses. Each of your senses is associated with different chakras, so feeding your senses can bring energy into your body through these energy centers. For example, feed your sense of smell by putting a few drops of an essential oil on a cotton ball and taking 3 deep breaths, inhaling this scent. Citrus scents are particularly uplifting.
  3. Listen to great music of your preference. Combine it with stretching or dancing. Sing!
  4. Feed yourself visually. Enjoy outdoor scenery, spend 5 minutes (or more) painting or sewing or even sorting something colorful (for me, this is fabric).
  5. Walking outdoors feeds most of your senses with very little effort. Commit yourself to a 5-minute walk if a longer one seems overwhelming. Get close to plants if you can—remember how they use carbon dioxide and put out oxygen?

Grounding yourself and feeding your senses adds to the energy flowing through your chakras and filling your aura. You are an energy being, and it is natural for you to shift your energy. Balanced, replenished chakras and an expanded energy field correlate to physical, mental and emotional well-being.

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  1. This has been a very helpful series Janet. And I think it’s a good reminder that grief looks energetically different for each one of us. But with all the tips and options you’ve been mentioning a well-stocked remedy toolkit is so much more accessible to everyone. Thank you!

  2. Some really great suggestions here. Great reminder of the importance of taking care of every aspect of our being.

  3. Janet, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this blog post. I loved how you explain how we can re-energize our chakras and expand our aura. The one of feeding our senses with essential oil caught my attention the most. And that is exactly what I have been doing these days, using lots of essential oil every day. Blessing! xo

  4. Jenna Shearn says

    Hi Janet,
    I recently lost my boyfriend to throat cancer. It happened so fast. He was diagnosed with an 80% chance of survival and died within 5 weeks of treatment. I knew in my heart that we needed to go to Mexico to a clinic in natural healing. We were just so terrified. I found his spirit gone. I am very sad and lonely.
    I studied energy work 10 years ago for about 4 years, Barbara Brennan style. His passing has shifted me into a greater healing and awakening within me. I pray to know that he is free and across the veil. Thank you for your suggestions on healing chakras during grief. Thank you all for your light.

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