Creative and Alive

Have you ever hated the process of learning something new? I prefer being good at things. But doing things “badly” might be how I eventually become effective. My newly opened Etsy shop is a case in point. I procrastinated but eventually started the process. Because I hold my breath when I am uncertain (depriving my […]

Grounding your Energy, part 3 of 3

In the last 2 posts, we looked at what interferes with our ability to ground our energy and what supports this ability. Check out the comment sections—you might find some ideas that are a good fit for you. What is so important about being grounded? On a practical level, it prevents accidents. Being grounded means […]

Grounding your Energy, Part 2 of 3

In the last post, I asked you to think about those things that un-ground you. Today, I’d like to explore the things that support your stability. There are ways to care for your energy to maximize your groundedness. Who are the people (or animals) in your life that ground you? What kinds of activities or situations support […]

Grounding your Energy, Part 1 of 3

Are you grounded? And I don’t mean in trouble with your parents. In this moment, do you feel stable and supported? Able to stand on your own two feet? Are you able to focus? Do you know how to improve your own groundedness?  Let’s do a mini-inventory: Are there people who un-ground you? Are there […]