Radical Self-Love

“Women! Love your bodies. Love every part. Every curve, every fold, every line, every so-called blemish is a part of what makes you uniquely you and uniquely beautiful. Women glow, shine, radiate beauty whatever our shape or size. Love it all!” This quote is printed here with permission of artist Christina You.  Her words stopped […]

New website gallery

Success! With the help of another blogger and with the help of my great photographer, I was able to add another gallery to my website. You may have seen my gallery of fiber art—now you can see a gallery of my paintings. When I paint, I first align my energy with a particular quality. And […]

Potent, Nurturing and Clear

I am sitting down to choose 3 words that I’d like to describe this coming week. Next Sunday, I’d like to look back on this week and say: Wow, my experiences this past week were certainly . . . potent . . . nurturing . . .  and clear. Now I tuned into my core […]

Grief and Energy Self Care – Grounding – part 2 of 3

Last week, I gave you ideas about how to replenish your heart chakra. Today, I’m going to talk about another common way your energy system may be affected by grief, and how to care for yourself in this area. You may find it difficult to remain fully grounded when you lose a partner, a parent, […]


I am writing the story of my own life. I don’t mean I am writing an autobiography, literally. I mean, I am the author of my life. The themes of my early chapters were heavily influenced by the voices of others. By what my parents said and did not say. By what my teachers, priests, […]

Taking a Break from the Blues

One of my students suggested a blog topic recently:  “when you are in a funk (blue, depressed), how to come back.” Of course, there is benefit to consulting medical and mental health professionals for depression. The following ideas are meant to shift energy patterns around feeling down. These three suggestions help you take a break […]

Energy Boost #2

  Last week, I shared how I boosted my energy by choosing where to focus my thoughts. This week, I will share one way to work with your hara line, which can also have a significant impact on your energy level. The hara line is a line of energy, light, and intention that is a quantum […]