ART HEALS exhibit starts next week

  You are invited to an art exhibit! Janet Hovde – ART HEALS – January 16 – April 14, 2013 RECEPTION: Friday, February 8, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Hudson Hospital (Medical Imaging Department) 405 Stageline Road, Hudson, WI 54016 Tours can be arranged (daytime or early evening hours) with Margaret Welshons, Healing Arts Coordinator (715.531.6059), margaret.a.welshons@HudsonHospital.Org Please […]

Grief and Energy Self Care – Replenishment of Chakras and Aura – part 3 of 3

In the last two posts, I shared ideas about replenishing your heart chakra and about grounding your energy. Today, I’m going to talk about a third common way that grief may impact your energy system, and how to care for yourself in this area. The third common effect is this: depletion of all your chakras and depletion […]

Grief and Energy Self Care – Grounding – part 2 of 3

Last week, I gave you ideas about how to replenish your heart chakra. Today, I’m going to talk about another common way your energy system may be affected by grief, and how to care for yourself in this area. You may find it difficult to remain fully grounded when you lose a partner, a parent, […]

Grief and Energy Self Care – Heart Replenishment – part 1 of 3

Loss is a part of the human experience. Loss and the resulting grief process have an impact on your energy system. In my personal growth and in my work with clients and students, I have identified three common ways that people are affected energetically by grief. I find it most effective to start by addressing […]

Seeing Anyone?

Today, I am feeling gratitude for being in relationships in which I am fully seen. May I pay it forward by fully seeing others today. I see you. I see your gifts. I see your sorrows. I see your courage. I see your light. I see you.

Very Inspiring Blogger Award, aka 7 new facts about me

Writing a blog is still quite a new process for me, with sweet surprises on a regular basis. I’ll catch myself saying, “my friend from Canada” or “a woman in California” or “a blogger from India said . . .” I feel connected to women around the world through blogging and Facebook learning communities. Well, […]

Taking a Break from the Blues

One of my students suggested a blog topic recently:  “when you are in a funk (blue, depressed), how to come back.” Of course, there is benefit to consulting medical and mental health professionals for depression. The following ideas are meant to shift energy patterns around feeling down. These three suggestions help you take a break […]

Non-Fattening – Spiritual Cookies

Guess what! My website spam filter found a how-to-lose-weight-fast email trying to sneak in—I think it may have been triggered by the word “cookies” in my blog posts. They must not know about the calorie-free spiritual cookies which I periodically share in my blog! I have so many to share this week: Cookie #1: My […]

Creative – Spiritual Cookies

My spiritual cookies this week relate to creative activity. First, here is one of my paintings in the Balance series: Second, I’m updating a fiber art piece I made last year, which relates to illumination, in a tongue-in-cheek fashion. (I’ll add the whole piece to my gallery when it is fully revised): Third, I am […]

Light-Filled – Spiritual Cookies

Today, I am sharing three of my spiritual cookies with you. Infusion of Love: I recently spent time with some of my extended family. They had expressed an interest in seeing my art quilts and in experiencing my healing work. I asked them to bring old photos from my dad’s growing-up years. We spent a […]