Grounding your Energy, Part 1 of 3

Infinity Copyright 2012 Janet Hovde

Copyright 2012 Janet Hovde

Are you grounded? And I don’t mean in trouble with your parents. In this moment, do you feel stable and supported? Able to stand on your own two feet? Are you able to focus? Do you know how to improve your own groundedness? 

Let’s do a mini-inventory: Are there people who un-ground you? Are there activities or situations in which you find it more difficult to be grounded? Are there locations in which it is particularly hard for you to be grounded? 

As I do my own inventory, I notice I have a difficult time staying grounded around people who are “being mean.” Sharp tongues put me on edge. And I notice I find it difficult to be grounded in medium-sized groups. It’s easier for me to stay grounded when I am alone, with one other person, in a small group, or even in a very large group.

We started a 3-session class this week, Grounding through the Hara, in Roseville, Minnesota. Contact me  if you would like to join us for the last 2 sessions. It was fun to watch light bulbs come on as people began to view their experiences through the lens of the human energy system, particularly in the way it relates to being grounded.

How about you—what do you notice about people, activities, situations and locations which affect your ability to be grounded?

If you have a friend who might like to improve their groundedness, you are invited to click on a link below to send them an email or one of the other communication options.


  1. Janet, One thought after reading your post. Actually, there are more, but I’ll just list one!!

    I almost completely felt ungrounded after an incident a year and a half ago, I was shaken to the core. But then I remembered to concentrate with more focus than ever on my life’s Scripture verse I have had since a teen. (Feel a post for my blog coming!) Ruth 3:16 says “Sit still my daughter and wait until you know how the matter will turn out…” Since my name is Ruth, these words are especially significant. I remained still, patient, focused…and found my core!

  2. Staying grounded usually isn’t an issue for me, and in fact a friend dubbed me with the title “Sacred Grounding Cord.” Makes me smile every time I think about it. But big crowds, feeling judged, and moments of great anxiety can all knock me off my groundedness.

  3. Messes unground me. Discord ungrounds me. Not having enough daily interaction with my husband ungrounds me. Lack of sleep ungrounds me. WordPress links that don’t work make me super-frustrated….which ungrounded me! 🙂

  4. Great post Janet. Large crowds, malls, parties all have a way to unground me. Like you, I do best alone or at home or one-on-one. I do have people in my life that unground me because of their energy. It’s hard when it’s family. I still continue to work through those areas in my life to protect my energy as best as I can. Thank you for the great post and insights! xo

  5. I love the artwork on this post. Grounding is a great topic and seems to be a real challenge for me. I am constantly having to check myself because I regularly end up ungrounded. It feels so “normal” to me and yet I know the difference and really prefer the sensation of being grounded. I appreciate the reminder to keep an eye on this aspect of my being.

    • Michele, I’m glad you loved this art piece. I pick them intuitively for each post (but you already know that, don’t you). I find vigilance with grounding is so important as we step into our lives more fully.

  6. I have trouble being grounded. I feel like I have a bit of chameleon in me and I change based on who I’m with. I am aware of it and try to be true to myself. In some ways it helps me with my teaching because the most common comment I’ve heard about me from students is I talk to them as if they are people. What else could they be? Thanks for the post.


  1. […] the last post, I asked you to think about those things that un-ground you. Today, I’d like to explore the […]

  2. […] the last 2 posts, we looked at what interferes with our ability to ground our energy and what supports this ability. Check out the comment sections—you might find […]

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