
Hand-dyed, fractured light, images

Hand-dyed, fractured light, images

Before you read more, take a look at the above photos. (I think you can click on them to see them in a larger format.) Do you see any images in the fabric photos?

Last weekend, I dyed fabrics for a project in which I know I want to use red and purple, and probably images of an angel and a tree. This fabric was hand-dyed using a technique I learned in Susan Antell’s Fractured Light class at the Textile Center in Minneapolis. It is a delicious mystery to see how this dye process turns out. I was explaining my art quilt plan to a friend and showing her the above yard of fabric. She pointed out an angel image in the pattern of the dye, and then another one, and then more. I hadn’t noticed them until she pointed them out. Then they became obvious to me. A few days later, I flipped the fabric “bottom side up” on my design wall. The angels disappeared, and out popped a cross. I think the cross view is the orientation I will use as I move forward with the project. I am grateful for a second, and sometimes a third and fourth pair of eyes, and the richer experiences I have because of the additional perspective(s).  What did you see in the photos above?



  1. Mary Elizabeth Kitchens says

    I can see angels and the cross…….. It brings a peace and comfort to me… I am very excited to see how it transforms… thank you for sharing!! M

  2. Mary, Thanks for taking a look! I’ll be curious to hear about what others might see.

  3. Janet, your pictures turned out beautifully! What a great idea to share this for more people to send input. I still see trees in the first one. In the second one, I can see a large face. The eyes are just under where the 2 horizontal points of the cross would be.
    I can’t wait to see the project as it moves along.

    • Carol, I can see trees and a face, too, now that you mention it. I feel a little nervous to be working a little more publicly . . . my work is SO not in a straight line (I might start a few other projects before I get to the next step on this one!) Thank you for stopping by.

  4. The pieces feel very feminine to me. Divine. 🙂

  5. The photo on the left I see trees and also in the middle at the top I see a face probably that of an Angel, then there’s a few small angels amongst the trees on each side. Both designs remind me of sacred geometry which I love. On the right I see the face of a Goddess, her eyes and mouth. I love the hint of purplish blue in both designs in a few of the corners. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

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